Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Original Collage Clowns


Anthony said...

Oh. My. Gawd!
I love these SOOO much! The colors are fantastic, and I really dig how one has a striped sort of background while the other has polka dots. Are you planning to sell them? If so, may I reserve them until they're ready for purchase? It's okay if you don't want to sell them... I'll still be your friend! ;D

Dadadreams said...

Thanks so much, Anthony! The clown images came from a vintage greeting card.
Yes, they're in my Etsy shop for $15 each. I'll reserve them for you. Here are the links:

It's no big deal if you change your mind, just let me know so I can un-reserve them.

Anthony said...

Yay, I DO totally want these! So, thank you for reserving them for me. I will make my purchase soon... :)

Dadadreams said...
